Sunday, October 17, 2010

From Paulo Coelho's Blog

Just could not help myself from posting this. True for all of us, yet all said and done one of the most difficult things to follow.

"Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it. The meaning of life is whatever you ascribe it to be. Being alive is the meaning. The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are. Participate joyfully in the sorrows of the world. We cannot cure the world of sorrows, but we can choose to live in joy."

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Gupshup and Chaai

Today was a very good day for me. Visited a dear friends home, chatted, rather blabbered for hours.....just carefree time well spent. In our day to day rut we often forget how much such these non pressing casual banter means to us. Something about our rendezvous today made me nostalic about my childhood, when every afternoon be it winter or summer my mom would get together with her friends, chat have tea and come back home all refreshed for another episode of demanding kids, thankless husbands, endless chores and dirty houses.

There is magic in you friend,
you make my mind fresh,
you make my worries go,
you make my life glo.
There is something in you friend.

And I think , that something is magic. Thank god for all forms and shape, all colors and temper, Thank god for friends.

Mwaah to all my sweeties.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Have you ever had the feeling that something is missing? Something like those mere jalapenos, that you could do without, but your heart still yearns for it :))

Wishing luck to the special spices in my life :).

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Being an adult

Have you thought what being an adult actually means? well...apart from a lot of freedom, which again is how you see it (but that's something for a different blog), ability to earn money, make you own decisions or just learning to be more tolerant.

Scene one: two kids get into a fight, it gets nasty with hair pulling (did I say girls :))..they end up saying katti!!!! Years later they are still friend they love each other and hearts are clean, without a trace of bitterness.

Scene two: Two adults get into an argument, things again get nasty they stop after sometime. Some just walk different ways and never talk again, some sought it out, but they can never forget things, some say they have forgotten but forgiveness is far far away. Hearts are hurt and the hurt remains. It has something to do with the adult heart, it somehow does not regenerate the love section as fast as we would want it to.
Good things I often feel are forgotten easily, whereas bad sticks, sticks like a leach. You don't even know those memories are there till you do a little bit of soul searching. And in the end we say that life has taught us to be tolerant, when all it has taught us is to go on with life, with a mask on. The mask may not necessarily be there to hide you as a person but may be there to protect you, it may be your mechanism of protection.

Time and again I have been told that I am afraid of loosing friends and hence I do not convey my true feelings to them. Sometimes I agree , I am willing to bend backwards to not hurt a friend. A gesture that is always mistaken for all different kinds of things. But most of the times, my ability to suppress my feeling and to go on as if nothing has happened, is part of the person I am. I am not trying or not even thinking of loosing or making or keeping friends. At that point all I am thinking is of not hurting the other person, not saying hurt full things, because remember...whatever we say, bad words and bad actions are never washed off . Maybe deep down I am protecting myself from the misery of having a heavy conscience, one that has the impressions of confrontations severed relations and sour friendships. And in this endeavor silence is my weapon, silence of heart and mind and has made me strong.

You can hear the footsteps of God when silence reigns in the mind. ~Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Silence is not merely an absence of noise, Real Silence begins when a reasonable being withdraws from the noise in order to find peace and order in his inner sanctuary. ~Peter Minard

and for me this silence comes from the silence of heart , from the ability to forgive and take in everything, good or bad positively, from conquering things with love.....everything responds to it.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Till death do us part..

Today is our 5th wedding anniversary and a decade of knowing my husband :D. I must say they have been the most happy fulfilling and educative years of my life.
When I look back today, this is the best turn a friendship could take. I am glad that even today we are friends first and friends last. That keeps the clock ticking and the spark alive :D

The other day, as usual I was a little stressed or lets say upset (something if you know me is not rare), as usual when I am at my wits end I seek Nitesh's help :)...but this time while I was telling him all I had in my mind..I slowly felt my head clear..I was able to see things on my own, I did not need him to tell me things, all I needed was him to listen. I needed him to listen because he was the only person whom I could tell all I wanted, rather whom I cared to tell. He was the one person whom I wanted to give all my justifications who had to understand me completely ( there was not alternative to that ). I wanted to be transparent for him...the rest really does not or should not matter. In short after 5 years of being married I understood marriage all over again. Some may call it faith...some may call it love, some understanding...but I today understand that it is transparency.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

When I was small. I thought of things, I thought of stars and their twinkling.
I thought of mom and her love and care,
I thought of dad, how he'll always be there :D
I though of friends, and the love we'll share
I though of myself, as the little princess

Just a thought that crossed my mind. Would it be better to be kids all our life?
Sometimes when I am boggled with all the problems that we adults have, I wish and wish and wish I could revert back to the age where I could run to my mom and get it all straightened out. Like I said I WISH!!!!!